Sunday 14 June 2015

Count your blessings

Well it's been a challenging whirlwind of a few weeks, but I have been extraordinarily lucky for many, many reasons:

  • I have the most incredible husband who looks after me with such kindness and good humour that I am overwhelmed by how lucky I am
  • My parents are utterly amazing - my Dad has been by my side through every up and down, sharing my fears, hopes and disappointments whilst my Mum has cooked me something amazing every day
  • I have a spectacular group of friends who are just willing me to be OK, visiting, texting positive stuff, sending wonderful presents and flowers and just being all-round fantastic
  • The barrage of support via social media gives you a real charge of energy and positivity, knowing that you have such an incredible support network
  • My business partner has been superbly kind and supportive, giving me space to recover and rebuild
  • I live in the most beautiful location for walking, and whilst some days it's been a gargantuan challenge to walk round the block, I've done it and found it a really uplifting experience
  • My church friends have prayed their hearts out non-stop ever since I received the news, and clearly, since was found quickly and successfully removed, then God was definitely listening
So, under the circumstances, I am very grateful. 

My top tip to share would be to take a minute later and just count your blessings too. Life can be short and can blind-side you sometimes. So sit back and think of all the wonderful things you enjoy every day. Think of normality in all its fabulousness. If you have loved ones nearby, then think about how much they mean to you. And, most of all, if you have your health, cherish it, as it really is the most tremendous blessing.


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