Monday 12 October 2015

Home again

Monday 12th October

You may have more questions than answers by the time you've read tonight's installment.
Firstly...if you're not aware of what has happened since Friday 9th October, catch up on her blog or none of this will make sense:
Friday and early Saturday-
Late Saturday & Sunday

Amanda came home this evening. She's not well, not well at all.

1) her blood clots are being treated by a blood thinning injection. This is administered via a needle to the stomach once daily. For the next four weeks, a district nurse will come round daily to administer this, after which Amanda will need to do this herself. The doctorate at the hospital say this will be for 4 months at least, as this is the length of time at least it will take to break down both blood clots. The term used was "indefinitely" so there is a possibility this will go on for months, maybe years.

2) This is the mystifying one - Amanda's abdomen pain. The doctorate won't be doing a further CT scan has it has been such a short time since her last one. Further CT scanning may cause Amanda more harm than good but the doctorate are unable to say for sure what is the cause. They think it is likely to be related to the lung, after all the lung is a big organ which reaches down towards the area where the pain radiates to. So although Amanda is racked with pain, they are unable to administer a treatment at the hospital any more. Her pain management regime will now include Oramorph (morphine) as this has been effective will Amanda was in hospital over the weekend, on top of all her other medication including the medication to prevent her seizures.

3) We've been referred for palliative care. There's more about palliative care services supplied by our local hospital here: This should at least address the issues of pain management in conjunction with the medication regime that Amanda is on going forwards.

So, in summary. Amanda is not well at all, but she's home, she's got the heating on, she's cheering herself up by watching last week's "Stand Up For Cancer Gogglebox"...cue the tears if you watched it.

The breathlessness issues that were the main reason we got Amanda into hospital last week have been addressed, albeit there's a long road of condition management associated with reducing the blood clots on her lung now. We know when to try and administer the pain relief (in anticipation of Amanda undertaking anything like standing up, moving around etc) Hopefully she'll now be given the chance to rest up and recover from this latest curveball until our next round of hospital visits.

Anyway, onto this miracle cure I've heard about....

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